Wednesday, May 31

Expectations, Letdowns, Progress, and Anticipation

Whew... back from vacation, and it's been an interesting couple of days. I don't understand how people can come back from vacation more tired than when they left. Me, I just try to take it easy, get a lot of reading done, get a little sun, and generally hang out. I was talking with the spouse about that, and told her that my ideal vacation would consist of at least one day of just sitting by the hotel pool/beach/similar water-based location, then showering, getting dressed up, and going to dinner. None of this "pack your day full of activities" junk.

Anyway... yesterday was supposed to be the big day: new assignment, new workspace, new laptop, and new printer. Well, none of that actually happened. My assignment starts in 45 minutes, hopefully after that I'll be able to get the workspace set up, the laptop should be ready by then, and FedEx forgot to deliver the new printer, even though it's been on their truck since Saturday morning.

Then today I get to the bus stop nice and early, but by the time the bus gets there, there is no room for my bicycle. I do a little math -- the next bus would come in half an hour -- and figure, hey, it's about 7 miles, and most of it is a bike route, so it shouldn't be an issue, right? I get back on the bike and take off.

The bike route is nonexistent for a couple of long stretches on the road, and where the bike route is, the air is so foul as to be practically unbreathable. It took a lot out of me, plus, I wasn't prepared for a long ride (no water or warmup or anything). But, I did make it in one piece, and so what if the next bus pulled up to work about 5 minutes after I did? It was a moral victory, although next time I think I'll chance waiting for the bus, or at least take a bus that will at least get me closer to work.

Also, one of my good friends -- whom I have adopted as somewhat of a sister (it's reciprocated), is considering resigning her job for somewhere else. She's going through a rough time, and I wish her the best. She's a great person, and a better Christian than 99% of the people I know, and I'll miss chatting with her on a regular basis if she does leave. She'll make her final decision later today. I told her that she at least has to sign up somewhere where she has AIM and e-mail so we can keep in touch easier.

We'll see. I have to hop back on the bike in 15 minutes. With my luck, there won't be an open bike keeper at the other building...

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