Sunday, May 7

Goals, Week Ending 5/13/06

Wow, halfway through May already! One thing about keeping a weekly journal, is that time just seems to zoom on by...

  1. Get caught up with scripture reading! This means reading all the way to Revelation 20 (about 40 pages)... but if I read 6 pages a day (trying to get caught up at night), this shouldn't be a problem. [EDIT: Revelation has 22 chapters. I'm going to finish the NT this week.]

  2. We are in a house, so the "honey do" list is starting to take full effect. I need to balance the ceiling fans in Elizabeth's room and my office.

  3. Go through the box in the office and dig out the rest of the Italian-language material that I have.

  4. After what seems like a three-week layoff, it's my turn to teach the Primary lesson on Sunday, so I should devote some time during the week to prepare for that. (NOTE: it's actually a four-week layoff)

  5. Get back in the habit of using PocketMods... this is a busy week, with Dominic on Tuesday and band practice on Wednesday. Note-taking would be a good thing. Also, finding my Italian cheat PocketMod would be a good thing. :-) I sure could use it now.

  6. Another project that I'm working on is to build a list of dishes that I can make on a minimal pantry. I'm pretty sure that I have mentioned this before, but I was able to make sweet and sour chicken last night with only having to buy a green and a red sweet pepper, and pineapples (we should have had carrots and onions on hand already). It's not a quick meal by any means, but it's nice to know that we can whip stuff like that out when absolutely necessary.

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