Tuesday, May 23

Something good, and a conundrum

We'll start with the conundrum first. For the past few years, I have done my best to subscribe to the philosophy represented in the following Eleanor Roosevelt quote:

“Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people”

Now, I deal with people on a daily basis who basically, well, gossip. A lot. There are also occasions when my wife will come home and talk about events in her co-workers' lives, or her family's life, and I've gotta tell you -- I'm pretty hard-pressed to care. Part of me knows that this is due to my wife's need to talk about things going on, but another part of me is just irritated that it's even being spoken of at all.
So, am I conceited or pompous for thinking about that? Or am I justified?

And now for the good thing: As A Man Thinketh by James Allen, complete text form, right here, courtesy Project Gutenberg. This is another book that I read a few years back that has influenced me in one form or another, and it is referenced fairly often in Marc Allen's The Millionaire Course. It's made me revisit some of the concepts in there, and I am grateful to have stumbled across it again, and hope to be able to read the entire "little book" in its entirety shortly.

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