Tuesday, May 23

More Radical Mutual-Improvement

I'm not really sure what to do about excercise #10 (tracking personal zeitgeist), so that's going to go on the "skip list" for the time being.  I will make a (sub)conscious effort, though, to see if there's anything materializing in my life.  Unless it's references to the movie "Office Space" in my job.  Then, I'm not going to track that, because I'd just get horrendously depressed.

Radical Mutual-Improvement » Blog Archive » Sit still for 15 minutes a day (Exercise #11)

I'm a big fan of taking a few minutes each day for quiet reflection, even though it may not necessarily be "seated" reflection.  Regular reading of the blog will show that I'm an avid reader of the scriptures, and we are taught to ponder the scriptures and their meaning to us personally.  While I take time (or try to take time) every night to do that, it's also good to take time periodically and reflect upon goals and personal progress towards them.

I don't find it a coincidence that my walks to and from the bus stop take fifteen minutes each way.  I usually use this time to "listen to" a random selection of fast-paced songs, to keep my mind focused on the walk.  However, one of the wonderful side effects of not wearing a watch anymore is I'm not constantly looking at it trying to figure out where I need to be next and how much time I have to get there.  So, without having to constantly glance at my watch and quicken the pace, I have time to clear my mind and see what comes into my head.  It will be a good thing.

And speaking of good things, exercise #12 is coming up, and I'm going to have a great chance to use that on Tuesday, as I am moving my workspace for a few weeks.  I'm going to be doing some software testing for our in-house applications.  As long as I don't have to fill out any TPS reports, I'll be OK.

Crap, there's that Office Space stuff again.

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