Sunday, May 14

Week in Review, Week Ending 5/13/06

  1. I finished reading the New Testament last night! Awesome.

  2. Balancing the ceiling fan in Elizabeth's room didn't work out as well as I would have wanted it to... in fact, not at all. Must be something else. I'll ask Dick next time I see him. Consequently, I didn't do the one in the office.

  3. I didn't dig out the rest of the Italian-language material that I have, for two reasons: one, it's been over a week since I've heard from my Italian pen pal, and two, the bookshelves in the office still need to be fixed. Once those are taken care of, I'll get it done.

  4. Using PocketMods again. Even found my Italian-language one.

  5. I didn't get the pantry thing accomplished, because I was doing other things, most notably getting on the track to opening my own restaurant. What I could use would be more dishes I can make with beef. Had to buy Hamburger Helper last night in order to have beef with dinner, just because I have no idea what to make. Granted, Hamburger Helper was a smaller purchase, financially, than veggies for sweet & sour chicken, but still...

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