Friday, May 19

RMI #8 - Write out your ideal scene

There are a couple of really good ideas in the comments for this post.  I especially am drawn to the "storyboarding" one, although since I am more of a geek by nature, I would naturally flowchart the idea than storyboard it.  Although maybe storyboarding will help me resurrect the fallen book...

Radical Mutual-Improvement » Blog Archive » Write out your ideal scene (Exercise #8)

Five years from now, I expect to be at Intuit still, but I don't know what I would be doing.  Something more high-level than I am doing right now, which may require moving to a different department.  I will have attended at least two years' worth of culinary arts courses at Pima CC.  A typical day will be me continuing to go to work at an obscenely early hour so I can spend time with my family, or my schoolwork, in the afternoon.  I will spend at least four evenings a week working on a recipe for the restaurant, and testing it on my six- and four-year-old children.  I am contributing to a better world by continuing to remain active in my church, and doing my best to live a Christian life.  I still live in Tucson, hopefully in the same house that I am living in now, and I would like to own the house rather than renting it.  I've discovered again how to open myself up to certain people again rather than just being a closed book, which is helping me cope with the stress of opening a restaurant, going to school, raising a family, and working full time.  My family life sees me enjoying spending time with my kids, with Elizabeth being in first grade and my son getting ready to enter kindergarten in the fall.  Someone close to me will describe me as a good person, who maybe works a little too much, but knows where the right priorities are in life, and how to enjoy the little free time that I have.

Oh, and going straight to RMI #9 - Get a flask. I have no intention of doing this one, as water in a bottle of Gatorade for the walk home works just fine enough for me. I have neither the mindset nor the facilities to spend money on something which more likely than not will turn into something which will sooner, rather than later, be deposited in a dark corner of the kitchen. Also, I don't want to get thrown off the bus for drinking. :-)

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