Saturday, July 22

Weekend Update

Hey, look at me! I've got the laptop up and running, and I also have a wireless Internet connection, so while the rest of the family is watching a boring design show on HGTV, I get to sit here and surf the web. Rock on!

Went and visited Stephen again today. It's what we do every day, and I'm glad that we are getting time to do that. He got to meet his big sister yesterday, even though he was asleep for most of the visit. Today was just Michelle and myself, and we had a blast. Michelle got to make up for yesterday by holding him the entire visit, as she was taking care of Elizabeth, who was getting very jealous of her daddy holding a new baby. It will definitely be interesting to see how those two get along when we finally get to bring him home.

I've been doing a lot of work on the novel again... I've completely changed the idea, and have been able to get some characters created, and a bit of an outline together. I spent a couple of hours today doing research online on writing detective fiction, and I'm looking forward -- now that the Internet is working from the living room -- to spend some quality time writing.

I tell you -- between the visit to Ikea today (had to pick up a new stuffed bear for Elizabeth) and these design shows, I am really glad I don't need a lot to get by in life. Very spartan, modern, minimalist. One day, when I'm able to actually assemble a house how I want it, that's how I'm going to go. It's really the only way.

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