Monday, July 17

Update from the hospital

Turns out the hospital computer room is closed on the weekends, so I have been shut in here with Michelle for the past couple of days with no way to contact people. But, other than that (and the crushing loss the Diamondbacks suffered last night) it's been a good weekend. We visited Stephen a few times and Michelle even found the strength to walk down to the NICU. Michelle gets her staples out today and even gets to go home later this afternoon! This is a wonderful development, and we are all looking forward to some semblance of normalcy returning to our lives. Michelle won't be able to lift heavy weights or drive a car for a few weeks, but that's what I'm for, right?

Stephen is doing very, very well... he's as happy as a clam and has some wonderful nurses taking care of him. Both Michelle and I took a lot of time yesterday to hold him and just rock him for a little bit, and today he's getting a bath, which Michelle wants to be present for.

All in all, it's been a great weekend with much progress made by all involved. I won't miss sleeping on the cot in the hospital room, either! Or the hospital food, or the limited selection of channels on the television, or no internet, or... but I'm not complaining. :-)

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