Sunday, July 2

Week in review, Week Ending 7/1/2006

  1. I completed my reading goal.

  2. Unfortunately, the only thing I wound up doing to the list was adding to it. I need to put a "stop date" on it (like, YESTERDAY) and get everything hammered out.

  3. I didn't get a chance to go through the blog, but I was able to remember some projects that I had started earlier in the year, namely, the 500 Greatest CDs project, the physical fitness project, the novel, and the creative project once every two weeks.
    • The 500 Greatest CDs Project has been officially abandoned due to lack of interest in many of the remaining CDs as well as no time or real desire to listen to any of the CDs that I have borrowed and sitting around. I'm in an interesting place with music now, and I don't want to leave that groove by auditioning albums which are definitely not in a certain style of music.

    • The physical fitness project has been replaced by walking to and from the bus stop each day. That's an acceptable replacement for now, although in the next two weeks I am going to get that taken care of, as well.

    • I decided that as much as I love the genre, a murder mystery just wasn't for me. I have at least one other idea for a book, and I am working on fleshing that out. That's one of the vacation projects, actually.

    • The creative project once every two weeks, I felt had to go by the wayside at the expense of the novel project. I do continue to search for inspiration on a daily basis, and try to come up with new things as I see fit.

  4. My workspace has indeed been "relaxified."

  5. Benefits have been signed up for.

  6. Haven't set the savings account up yet. I'm waiting for the Great Filing Project (vacation project) to happen before I get Quicken back up to speed.

And that's it! Wow... time really flew by last week, but I managed to get a lot done, as well as letting some other stuff fall by the wayside. I am looking very much forward to getting vacation off the ground and getting some of this stuff turned around, though!

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