Sunday, July 2

Goals, Week Ending 7/7/2006

  1. Read D&C 77-87. This sounds like a minor reprieve, as I know that Section 88 is ginormous.

  2. Get caught up with the summer reading project as well, which will take me through Alma 8.

  3. This week is going to be very busy, even with a "long weekend", with friends and parents coming down for a couple days. That takes me through Tuesday night, with Wednesday night being taken by Mutual. So, Thursday and Friday free only. In that time, I need to buy a bus pass for July, but be able to use it starting on Wednesday. Ah well... it's not like I'm not taking time away from other things for other obligations as it is.

  4. These are the only three things that I can think of, and quite possibly the only three things I will accomplish this week, as I have the feeling I am going to get pulled in many directions this week. So, pro-active lowered expectations.

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