Thursday, July 6

A Busy Day

Elizabeth has once again established her domination over the household by refusing to sleep a regular schedule. Now she comes into our room about 2:30 every morning, and promptly kicks me out of bed. Consequently, I've gotten maybe 3 hours of sleep each of the last two nights, and I'm about to hit a wall.

I was in my normal semi-weekly meeting with Randy this morning, when Crystal came and informed me that Michelle needed to contact me urgently. I called her, and it turns out that she's been having chest pains, shortness of breath, and a dip in blood pressure... all this in addition to the contractions and freakishly swollen ankles she's had for the past week or so. A quick call to the doctor determined that I needed to take her to Labor and Delivery immediately, so I sped home, loaded the girls into the car, and drove to the hospital. Michelle was admitted immediately for evaluation, and after an hour a nurse came out and told me it would be at least two more hours as the doctor wanted to run some tests. I took Elizabeth home so she would be entertained, and we're both sitting here waiting for some word or update: her sleeping on the futon, and me sitting her on the computer updating my arrangement and chatting with friends.

Everything looks to be OK, but I am still worried that Michelle is not going to get to go to Texas and see her family. Hopefully this is just a one-time affair.

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