Sunday, June 4

Week in Review, Week Ending 6/3/06

  1. Finished reading through D&C 35. Good stuff.

  2. Set up the account. Also, set up one of those "how much do you need to make to sustain your lifestyle" spreadsheets. I guess it's a bad thing that I named it screwed.ods. On the lifestyle vs. personal finance fronts, we turned cable TV off, but I'm still probably going to get a second job. The wife is still in denial about that one, unfortunately. I'm more realistic.

  3. Figured it out but haven't done anything about it. This one gets moved to next week's goals, however, as it's pretty important. I made the mistake of procrastinating a lot of the financial stuff until the printer/scanner arrived, and since that set me back until Thursday, plus there's another project I'm doing with the scanner... yeah. Didn't work out.

  4. I haven't received a new cubicle, nor my laptop yet. Other things seem to keep getting in the way at work. I'm going to make it a point to ask for it on Monday, barring my project leader's absence from the office (she was out Thursday and Friday).

  5. Got the scanner set up. It works! I'm working on adding a bunch of recipes from books that I checked out from the library to my collection... what may be an insurmountable task, as I have checked out something like 38 million books, and have only marked the recipes that I want to keep in one. So, I'm playing catch-up there, as well.

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