Sunday, June 11

Week in Review, Week Ending 6/10/06

  1. I completed my scripture reading goals. Woohoo! I'm even doing it early and spacing it out throughout the week.

Yeah, I didn't get anything else done this week. LAME. I'm just moving these goals over to next week. I'm reading D&C 45-56 this week.

I had a tough time this week: I have been reading the Book of Mormon cover-to-cover for the first time in forever, and last week as leaders of the youth, we challenged them to read the entire BoM over the course of the summer (ending September 3, I think... 98 days total). I think that's a great challenge, but the only problem I had was that I was expected to participate in the challenge and start over again, and I was very far into my personal reading.

We've done similar things on the mission, and I've never had a problem with it. Of course, on the mission it was reading 30 minutes a day, and lots of jumping around topics, so a good "power read", I had no problem with. But this time was different, I was really resisting the idea of abandoning my personal study for a power read, as I was so close to the end and very excited about finishing. I was very resistant.

However, last Sunday, 4 days after we started the challenge, I gave in and softened my heart. I started reading as if it were the first time I had ever read the Book of Mormon -- and a wonderful place was opened in my heart -- it felt like I was reconnecting with an old friend who had so many wonderful stories to share from the time we spent apart. Plus, I am stumbling upon more opportunities to share the Gospel with others. I'm very glad I finally "gave in", so to speak.

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