Sunday, June 25

Garh... been a while (Week in Review, 6/24/06)

The bank fiasco appears to be mostly fixed: just one or two things to be hammered out, and then everything should be back to a semblance of "normal". We'll see. It's been a bit stressful because of that, but aside from that it's been a pretty good week. I've been plotting my tasks for the time that Michelle is going to be in Texas, and it looks like it's going to be a full two weeks for me. That's OK, I'd rather it be that way, because last time I said I was going to do a lot of stuff, and wound up parked in front of the television.

I read my scriptures, and even managed to get caught up with the Book of Mormon reading project, having read through Words of Mormon. The only thing I don't like about the speed reading project is if you have a day where you miss for whatever reason, it's crunch time the next couple of days and you don't get as much out of it as you should.

Swamp cooler appears to be on the blink again -- missed a bunch of the World Cup game yesterday due to it being 85 in the house. The heat just drove me to sleep, and it's driving Michelle crazy. Someone is going to take a look at it on Monday, I think. Thank goodness!

Both France and Italy advanced in the World Cup -- awesome! I still have a few more days of rooting for the teams that I chose to root for instead of salvaging my spirit for another team. Go Blues! (Good thing that covers things in both languages!)

Ummm... nothing else much is going on. I was planning on writing a post updating how things have been going with some of the RMI stuff, but the "not wearing a watch" post just stopped yesterday, and I haven't found the creative energy to try it again. It was mutating into how I've become able to tell time by observing my environment in the morning, not by staring at an instrument on my wrist. We'll see how that goes.

Also: this week... nah, I'll save it for the goal page.

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