Sunday, March 26

Week in Review, 3/25/2006

  1. I read the Bible.

  2. I am still working on the ultra .MP3 tagging project of doom. The good thing is, it's getting a lot easier... I realized that iTunes will do many of the things that Tag & Rename will do, which is a good thing, beause I was able to set up queries (read: smart playlists) to determine songs that I still needed to tag (with either year or genre). Still working on that. iTunes gets the import CD right more often than CDBXP, and I can tag the files as I import them.

  3. Didn't happen. I'm going to have to take a different approach if I want to get the novel finished. I found an eHow on "How to Create a Convincing Villian" the other day... looks like I should read that. Also, you know, come up with a plot. That's really the one thing that the mystery is lacking. I have good format ideas, and the basis for some of the characters, but without a story, everyone's just going through the motions, and there's not much to write about when that happens.

  4. Paperwork is next to the file cabinet, it just needs to go inside the file cabinet. Yeah, that's it.

  5. Both the bookshelves and linen closet are almost packed. So, perhaps, it's a goal completed by attrition.

Other things happening this week that made this week rather busy and unconducive to accomplishing goals. I even tried to keep them short and sweet... oh well. We'll see how next week goes.

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