Thursday, March 30

Random observation(s)

I think that living in my apartment complex has turned me into an old man. Yesterday some kids were playing outside, and I yelled at them to stop playing in the laundry room. Of course, they're not supposed to be playing in the laundry room, and one of the kids was terrorizing the other two with a small dog, but still. The look those kids gave me was the most incredible look of disdain I have ever seen.

It makes me wonder why I would even want to get into education, if kids are like that.

Signed the lease on the house on Tuesday evening. Can't wait to move in there.

Reading the book Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs To Know by E.D. Hirsch, Jr. It's a phenomenal read, however, since there are standards to measure myself against, I'm a bit worried. :-) The appendix is "What Literate Americans Know", and it's just a list. I'm interested in seeing what the list entails and how I stack up. I can tell you right now, the first item is "1066" and I have no clue what on Earth that is.

A columnist from Sports Illustrated used the word "ripe" instead of the word "rife." I don't know what's worse, the fact that someone is misusing an expression, or that the editor didn't catch it.

This ultra-smart playlist thing that I set up is really cool, but it's not weighted towards new music as much as I would like. I also don't know how to "reset" the smart playlists so the new music makes it into the mix sooner. For example, I have put 4 new CDs on the computer today, and I am still having to deal with all the Elvis Costello that was loaded on last week and sitting in the playlist. Actually, they're coming up pretty soon, which I shouldn't complain about, but I can't wait to get to the point where it's more of a MIX.

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