Saturday, March 18

The Get Smarter Guide

Found an article here (through Lifehacker) about "Simple ways to make yourself more clever." It sounded interesting, and as it goes a week, I thought it would be interesting.

Today's tasks: Take a shower with your eyes closed, and brush your teeth with the 'wrong' hand.

So far, so good -- as I am ultra-paranoid about getting shampoo in my eyes and thus wrecking my contacts, I would take a good portion of my shower with my eyes closed anyway. The interesting part was taking the rest of it eyes-closed as well. Since I had to keep my eyes open to adjust the water temperature, I went until I was completely dried off and my towel hung up to re-open my eyes. It was pretty interesting, and I can almost feel myself getting more clever as we speak! If only I were more productive... I need to pack up the living room, not blog. :-)

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