Sunday, March 19

Week in Review, 3/18/06

  1. I did finish reading the scriptures shortly after blogging.

  2. Desks have been swapped. I like the modern, sparse feel of this one quite a bit. Haven't heard from Collin since last week, though... I sent him a reminder e-mail on Thursday but nothing. Hopefully he will call this afternoon.

  3. Virtually no work on the novel took place.

  4. Most of the computer desk and entertainment center are packed, however, nothing got filed. It's in a box next to the filing cabinet, though.

  5. Haven't had a chance to work on the song, either. Had the Priests over twice this week for Killer Bunnies, and then was over at friends' houses for two other days this week. Busier than I thought it would be!

  6. Thought about that a bit last Sunday, and I would like to know about the career paths open to someone with a Master's of Library Science. I know I've made fun of that before, but I need to do something, and the interesting thing is that it's more about information retrieval and collating, and things like that... which is something I'm very interested in. Go fig.

What else this week... been working on the budget for the remainder of this month and next month, and things are looking well, even though we're paying two rents next month. Guess paying tithing is helping out after all. :-) I'm certainly not complaining, and more importantly, very grateful.

Also been working on getting my music files organized on the computer, with the intention of setting up a series of playlists in iTunes which will help me keep my music organized, but will also help me listen to all of my music instead of just the flavor of theday/week/month that I have been prone to for the past few months (KYO, Imogen Heap, etc.). This is important to me since I am acquiring a whole slew of music through the "500 Greatest Albums" project that I am working on.

Fixed Rosie's computer for her this week, and that turned out very well. She's happy with it, and I'm happy because I put a whole bunch of useful free alternatives to commercial software on there. I feel good about spreading the word about open source utilities and such.

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