Sunday, January 29

Week in Review, 1/22/06-1/28/06

Here's a review of everything that I've had going on last week...

  1. Yep, I read the Bible chapters Sunday morning. Did it again this week, to. It's actually amazing that I got any reading done outside of the Dark Elf Trilogy.

  2. Didn't make the gym, didn't see the fitness consultant. I had a doctor's appointment, and that messed me up because I had to be fasting and some other stuff, so I skipped the gym this week.

  3. Bedroom computer crashed. Need to reinstall Windows before getting any of that "creative stuff" done.

  4. Found the info on the practice space for the band, and found a manager, too.

  5. For the murder mystery: I have a few more chapters outlined, but not the rest of the book as I thought I would have.

So... not a good week as far as accomplishing goals went by. I had some things sidetrack me (a non-functional printer, a series of really good books), but hopefully this week I'll get a bit back on track.

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