Sunday, January 22

Goal review: Week Ending 1/21/06

Another week in review...

  1. I had the Bible chapters read on Sunday morning, even before posting them. It's a good routine: get up, read, then post on the blog, then get ready for church.

  2. I got to the gym three times this week. I would like to do more on the exercise bike, but there are some problems with that.

  3. Still no work on the 50 Words of Fiction... I'm not sure if I did anything creative (except the book) this week. SAD FACE.

  4. I wasn't inspired to work on the detective character this week, but I did start outlining the book. I feel good about that. I have the format of the book, and also what the prologue and third chapter are going to be. It's good progress, and I'm pleased with it.

  5. Almost got the recording studio at 100% -- the only problem is the software program I'm using for drums isn't working like the previous version... I have to get the old version off the old hard drive, and strangely enough, I'm not motivated enough to swap hard drives yet again. I do need to get that done since I have some ideas I would like to put down.

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