Sunday, January 22

Goals, Week Ending 1/28/06

Goals for this week...

  1. Read Mark 6-16. You've guessed right if you say I've already done it.

  2. Gym 3 times this week, and make time to see the 'fitness consultant' who is in the gym on Wednesday afternoons. Overall goal: more productive workouts.

  3. I'm shelving 50 Words of Fiction, because, face it, I wasn't giving much thought to it anyway. This week's creative exploration involves getting all those song ideas I have written down into actual music.

  4. I also have some commitments to the band, namely, finding info on a practice space, and finding a place for us to have our promo picture taken. Also, start thinking on where we can get a gig.

  5. For the murder mystery: Outline the remainder of the book, and have at least five chapters fleshed out.

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