Sunday, April 23

Week in review, Week Ending 4/23/06

Never thought I would get it done, but I did indeed catch up on my Bible reading last night during the Diamondbacks game and this morning. Is it wrong to read scriptures during a baseball game? Well, I read mostly during the commercials (you know, the three or four that they cycle through... tonight's were the "Miller Lite Across America" and "Meter Maid" commercials. Also, since it is the D-Backs we're talking about here, they could use all the divine help they can get! :-) Gonzo got hit in the head/neck with a pitch late in the game and stayed in it until the end, which was pretty cool of him. The game was also a good opportunity to explain to Michelle the finer points of the double-switch, and how a pitcher's ERA is calculated.

Finished assembling the cabinets for the house yesterday, as well. It feels really good to be able to participate in the refurbish, even though it's not "my" house, I feel like I am putting some of myself into it... especially in the kitchen, where I will be spending the majority of my time (that's not the home office).

Packing is going well, too. I buckled down yesterday morning and really started busting out some packing, and have most of the bedroom done... waiting on Michelle to finish a lot of her stuff up. We still have a lot of stuff in the kitchen that needs to be packed, and some of the baby's stuff (although that will be easy; we're just planning on throwing it into a tote and taking it over), and then the computer stuff and other electronic equipment. We will probably have that done on Friday afternoon and take some time Friday night to keep ourselves entertained in other ways.

All in all, a good week!

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