Sunday, April 23

Goals, Week Ending 4/30/06

This is going to be a VERY short list, with the move coming up on Saturday...

  1. Read Hebrews 4 - James 5

  2. Pack the remainder of the apartment

  3. Spend afternoons at the house to help get it set up

  4. Find out my new schedule as determined by the running of the busses (With gas prices approaching $3.00/gallon, there is no way I can afford $100/month for gas. What is this, California?)

  5. Return CDs to the library that are sitting out as part of the stagnant 500 Greatest CDs project. I'm having a hard time getting back into that, but I think that's just because of my iTunes playlist setup putting a lot of weight on "newly added" CDs and assaulting me with a lot of Billy Joel. Don't get me wrong, I like Billy Joel, but only in small doses. Or maybe he just seemed a lot cooler while I was on the mission and was listening mostly to MoTab.

OK, so that wasn't as short as I thought it would be. Still... pretty do-able and will require a LOT of hustle on my part. I can get it done though, especially since Michelle will be helping out with number (2).

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