Thursday, April 13

New finance method

Stumbled across a question on Ask Metafilter on how to avoid overdraft fees. One of the answers was to build up a reserve in your checking account by rounding: rounding up to the next dollar on withdrawls, and rounding down to the previous dollar on deposits. I was going to check how much money we would have accumulated for the year, but February and March were weird months for us financially. It was nice, however, to see that we would have accumulated $43 in January. That's pretty darn good -- figure $43 over 12 months is about $500, and who couldn't use that in the bank? Plus, if we get a high enough reserve, we could actually earn interest on that amount. I'd like that.

Probably going to switch over to the credit union for all of our finances once we move -- I've sold Michelle on the rounding thing, now all we need to do is get our finances in a more friendly, local place, and I feel really, really good about a CU for that.

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