Saturday, April 15

Knives, great things, and delays

Going to have to wait until Monday I think to go over the goals and stuff from last week... we are at the parents' house for Easter weekend.

Went and saw the Jesus the Christ pageant at the Mesa Arizona temple. It was awesome as usual (either the second or the third time I've seen it). Also as usual, there were protesters on Main St. I wonder what they were protesting? I wonder if they realize the irony that they are protesting a show that is taken completely from the Bible and proclaims the glory of the resurrected Savior. Also, I don't think Jesus went around with big signs telling people that they were going to be damned.

Another thing... this whole "greatest thing since sliced bread" thing. What I want to know is, what was the greatest thing before sliced bread? And is that thing second best still, or have there been things greater than that which was greatest before sliced bread, but not as great as sliced bread? And what qualifies something as the greatest thing since sliced bread, anyway? Is there a list of that anywhere? You'd think the phrase could only be used once in someone's life as it is, because they will eventually find something greater than sliced bread, then the phrase will become "the greatest thing since", say, string cheese, or pay-at-the-pump fueling. Can I get an answer on this question?

Tired tonight, church early tomorrow. The Ten Commandments is on TV right now, I guess that's the closest they can come to showing an Easter-themed story (Passover) on TV without anyone freaking out. It's interesting how Easter stories, if told correctly, encompass two faiths. Maybe that's why there's not as much squawking about them as there is Christmas stories... Christmas only favors one religion (and all its many flavors), and has the word "Christ" in it. I suppose it could be worse... we could have things like TV specials for Administrative Professionals Day or some other "holiday" that Hallmark has invented for the sole purpose of selling greeting cards.

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