Sunday, February 26

Week In Review, 2/25/2006

  1. I did indeed read the Bible again. Looking back on it, that's probably the most successful of my goals.

  2. I've called the help desk at work and still do not have access to the mailboxes I need to post the computer desk. Working on it, though.

  3. I did a little work on the character relationship pages, nothing major though. I am probably going to set myself up with KeyNote at work, and then work on it a bit there, since that is where I have more "free time."

  4. Didn't stay away from them at all. :-( See "boredom and how I can fix it".

  5. Didn't do the bookmark thing, either.

  6. I did practice both of the piano songs, though, and they came out really, really nicely! We only wound up playing "Mad World", though, not that I'm complaining! I did add a piano part to "Forever" as well.

  7. The "Musician's Friend" bag went over very, very well. Kept me organized for the show and made setting up and tearing down a breeze. We have a few more shows coming up in the next few weeks, too, and having that around will be a HUGE help.

  8. Still working on the weeding out of the sick and the poor. I have brought home a whole slew of boxes from work and the practice space to help with the packing. Our move situation has become critical (target date is exactly four weeks), and the more we can get packed earlier, the better.

  9. Didn't get that done. I am going to say that it is no longer a priority until after the move.

  10. Home teaching is going to happen today. Didn't have the time last week because I forgot about Elden's birthday party.

Wow, we had a bunch of things going on this week! Still managed to get some stuff done, although not as much as I would have liked to. It's OK, just need to reevaluate my priorities and focus more on my goals.

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