Sunday, October 22

Me vs. my scripture reading goals

I didn't think "me vs. the scriptures" was an appropriate title. :-)

So, I figured out my scripture-reading goals for the rest of the year, and I don't really see how there can be a way that I come up short... well, unless I fail completely to apply myself. Don't really see how that could happen.

Anyway, since a goal isn't a goal until it's written down, I have to read at least one page in the Book of Mormon every day, and at least six pages of other scriptures every day, in order to meet my goal. That's actually not too bad... well, I'm about five or six weeks behind in "other scriptures", so that's disappointing, but let's face it, my old strategy of "do it all Sunday morning" failed miserably a few months ago, and I was rather loath to cast it off. So now, every day before work, read scriptures. That's the long and the short of it. And I will complete my goal!

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