Thursday, September 7

Clean Sweep Update

I was planning on doing these weekly, but I have made some progress and wanted to update it today. I'll move the updates on Clean Sweep to the weekly goals and review posts I am going to start on Sundays again.

6. I walk or exercise at least three times per week. With the start of me working at the office again, I am now walking at least two miles a day, five days a week. This week will only be three, due to Monday being the holiday and today being stormy, but that's at least three times per week, and I feel good about it. I'm using my walking time to get caught up on learning Italian, by listening to audio lessons. On the bus, I'm reading a book from a book list that I had laying around. Basically, it's "Every Book I Should Have Read in High School, But Didn't." Current book is J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye. So far, so good. OK, end of tangent.

8. My assets (car, home, possessions, treasures) are well-insured. Yes -- my car is now insured, and it feels great being able to legally drive everywhere again, rather than driving as incognito as possible. Great weight lifted off my shoulders, even though it took money away from other things that are just as necessary/important, it's a good thing.

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