Monday, August 14

Week 32 Results

Hey, cool... completely forgot yesterday morning to update the goals. I guess that's what a few weeks out of ahabit will get you. It's strange how much time it takes to get into a hablit, but falling out of it is a lot easier and faster.

  1. I did read all the scriptures I wanted to this week, and some more!

  2. Yep.

  3. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA... haven't had time. That's on our list though, somewhere. Maybe tonight we'll get that done.

  4. Done. It's a sad state of affairs.

  5. There are things out there, but this just got bumped waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down on the priority list.

And that's about it. Got some other things done, as well... I realized I've just been sitting on my list of things to do that I made before Michelle went to Phoenix, and if I was bored or directionless, I could always pull something off of that and get it done. So, on Saturday, my friend came over with his AWESOME TOOLS OF EXTREME MANLINESS~! and we got a lot of stuff done, viz.:
  1. Swapped the futon and the recliner.

  2. Built and hung a small shelf in the living room for the telephone (finally out of the Girl's reach! Wooohooo!)

  3. Those cabinet latches? They're on many of the cabinets now. Not all of them, because some cabinets still need to be straightened out... but most of them.

I like making lists.
More lists of goals later. And, I'm redesigning the blog again. Just because. :-)

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