Thursday, August 3

Holy poop on a stick am I tired

You would think that we've got it pretty easy... I get to work from home, we spend some time each day visiting the hospital, my wife's main responsibility is to express milk, and the Relief Society is helping us out with meals. That's it... that's the list.

But man oh man are we beat. The Girl is cutting some more teeth and refuses to be comforted, medicated, or anything else. It's been nothing but straight whining and crying for the past day and a half, and Mommy's nerves are starting to wear thin, to the point where I think we're all going to hit a wall here if this keeps up much longer. None of us are sleeping well, and since the Girl has got a runny nose and is very hot to the touch, we can't leave her with a babysitter for us to get a break. Hopefully things will clear up today or tomorrow where we can go dump her off somewhere so we can relax. Knowing my wife, though, she's not going to want to sleep, she's going to want to take advantage of that time to do stuff. When the Girl is sleeping, I'm going to instruct her to take a nap as well. Because if she doesn't nap, and then starts talking about how tired she is, I'm going to lose it. I know how the conversation is going to go: "Please sleep." "I can't, I have too much to do." "No, you have two responsibilities, and one is to rest, please rest." "I can't rest, I have too much on my mind..." ARGH. I'm dreading it already.

Yesterday had to return a book to the library, so I quickly checked to see if there were any Agatha Christie novels that I hadn't read, so I picked up "Cards on the Table", which I knew had a very interesting plot, and I wanted to see how it would go. I have to admit that I was somewhat disappointed, as one of the main clues was a bridge scoresheet, and since I have no knowledge of bridge whatsoever, it put me at somewhat of a disadvantage in solving the crime. But other than that, it was a good book.

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