Sunday, July 9

Weel in Review, Week Ending 7/7/06

Wow, what a week.

Goals? Missed. All of them. I don't even know what exactly they were, but I know there were three, two of which were scripture reading and buying a bus pass, and my scriptures sat untouched on my dresser most of the week, and the bus pass is still safely at the grocery store. Instead, I spent the week trying to run a barbecue (I would like to thank my friend for lighting the coals with his plumber's blowtorch), hoping the toilet wouldn't overflow again, and taking care of a severely ill wife and a slightly-less-ill daughter. I'm pooped.

Last night Michelle woke up around 1:30 and announced that she thought Elizabeth had stopped breathing for a bit, her temperature was over 105 degrees, and we needed to go to the emergency room right this minute. I loaded the car seat into the car after getting dressed, and came back to the bedroom. Elizabeth was sound asleep, Michelle was now finding her temperature to be 99, and she was very frustrated and didn't know what to do.

It was about this time I realized that we should probably pray for some guidance. I know it's something we teach our Primary kids to do, but rarely put it into practice. Michelle collected Elizabeth and sat down on the bed, and I offered a sincere prayer to Heavenly Father for guidance. In the past I have had experiences in this situation where I receive the necessary guidance during the prayer as opposed to after it, and this was similar. I felt strongly impressed that what Elizabeth needed was a priesthood blessing and not another trip to the hospital where she would wait in the emergency room for a few hours and we would all be tired and cranky from the experience.

Michelle felt the same way as I, so I gave Elizabeth a blessing, and then we all went back to bed. Elizabeth fell immediately asleep and slept for maybe seven hours afterwards. Now she's awake and a feeling a lot better, although her nose is still a bit runny. Her cough is almost gone and her fever is definitely gone. We're both very thankful for that, although now Michelle is feeling her daily aftereffects of her hospital visit on Thursday. Sigh.

On a "getting things done" note, I completed an arrangement of the hymn Faith in Every Footstep which will be performed by the choir in a couple of weeks. I feel good about it, although I know it can be improved, it is still a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

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